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Brian Krogol, CPA


Brian Krogol joined the organization in 2019 as Vice President of Accounting and has since been named as CFO. Mr. Krogol graduated from the Fisher School of Accounting at the University of Florida with a Master of Accounting (MAcc) in 2011. After graduation, he worked as an auditor with Grant Thornton, an international organization of independent assurance, tax, and advisory firms, gaining audit experience with companies in the health care, manufacturing, distribution, hospitality, restaurant, and financial industries, as well as, experience on 10-Q, 10-K, SOX 404, benefit plan, and IPO engagements for SEC clients, including quarter- and year-end engagements for private clients reporting under US GAAP from 2011 to 2013. Mr. Krogol gained recognition for earning the prestigious Elijah Watt Sells award in 2012 for his performance on the Certified Public Accountant examination. Of more than 92,000 candidates who sat for the examination in 2012, only thirty-nine candidates met the criteria for this award. On the tailwind of this award, Brian continued his career, starting a private tutoring business, primarily preparing students for the CPA exam, as well as college level accounting, finance, economics, and mathematics courses in 2013. From 2015 to 2018, Mr. Krogol joined Clutch Prep as Lead Business Instructor, designing and maintaining online curriculum, including recording instructional videos for undergraduate level accounting, finance, and economic courses. Mr. Krogol maintained his private tutoring practice for CPA candidates through 2019.

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